Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013 Gag Gift Guide

This year Christmas per usual, has been filled with the oh so lovely family drama. What's Christmas without some family members feuding, right? Fortunate or unfortunately, however you want to take it, I've learned over the years my family is far from dysfunctional as other families, although, my family is also far from sitting around hugging and singing kumbaya. We all have our own family problems, so I won't go into great detail on my own, but my small family consisting of my parents, brother, grandma and uncle is what is going to make up my Christmas Eve since my uncle & aunt and their children and grandchildren decided they much rather spend Christmas Eve at a Hotel/Water Park (so we are told). Anyhow, this crushed my grandma who cried saying Christmas is ruined. That is when I decided we had to make Christmas Eve fun!! I decided this year we would do the White Elephant gift exchange game. Specifically, we would all buy gag gifts. I thought this would be a great way to get everyone laughing. I had no idea how many crazy gag gifts there are out there, so I had a hard time choosing my own present. That's when I decided I would share some of the ideas that made me LOL. Please note some may be inappropriate, but I have the humor of a 12 year old boy, what can I say.
1. No need for plastic surgery this year. Just get this boob scarf, it will keep you warm too.
2. Perfect for all the men in my family who receive socks from my grandma every year. Check this website out it has tons of hilarious Christmas Tees.
3. For the golfer in the family. One can never have a big enough sack for your balls, golf balls I mean.
4. Is this mean? Yes, yes it is. But can anyone else picture how hilarious this would be to see some unsuspecting person drinking from this mug?!
5. We all know religion & politics are usually not a good conversation starter. So why no bring it up on the holidays, with some presidential toilet paper?
6. If you don't feel like you have a muffin top after the holidays already, here is the present for you.
7. Sorry I'm from Wisconsin, we like our beer and cowboy hats. No further comment needed.
8. Who doesn't like bacon? In case your wondering there is pretty much bacon everything even bacon flavored popcorn!
9. Forget the gift! Fool everyone by boxing up a pair of socks or T-shirt in these hilarious gift boxes!!

I hope everyone is having a good Holiday season. Please try to get along with your families for at least one day!! I'm curious if anyone else has done a White Elephant gift exchange or done gag gifts. Let me know what your funniest gag gift has been! I ended up buying the Obama toilet paper and then buying these cookie cutters to make ginger bread men with them. Hope everyone finds it funny!

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